Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo

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Publications with referee


Barreto, Luís, Sargento, Susana.
XCP-Winf and RCP-Winf: Congestion Control Techniques For Wireless Mesh Networks". IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC2011.

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Barreto, Luís, Rés, B., Sargento, S., "How Real-time Bandwidth
Inference Improves the Congestion Control in Wireless Mesh Networks" CRC 2010, Braga, Portugal URL:

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Rés, B.; Barreto, Luís; Sargento, S.; "rt-Winf: Real time wireless inference mechanism" GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2010 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1130-1135, 6-10 Dec. 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8863-6
DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2010.5700111 URL: stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5700111&isnumber=5700081

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Barreto, Luís, Sargento, Susana, “TCP, XCP and RCP in Wireless Mesh Networks: An Evaluation Study”, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 22-25 Junho 2010, Riccione, Itália. ISSN: 1530-1346.  ISBN: 978-1-4244-7754-8. DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2010.5546550.

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IEEE MULTIDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING EDUCATION MAGAZINE, VOL. 4, NO. 1/2, JUNE 2009. NetStart - Achieving new abilities with ICT. Luís Barreto, Alexandre Vilaça & Cláudia Viana. ISSN 1558-7908.


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Chapter "Accessing an existing virtual electronic patient record with a secure wireless architecture", Ana Ferreira, Luís Barreto, Pedro Brandão, Ricardo Correia, Susana Sargento, Luís Antunes, Book:Mobile Health Solutions for Biomedical Applications. ISBN 978-1-60566-332-6.

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Ferreira A., Barreto L., Brando P., Correia R., Sargento S., Antunes L., 2007, A secure wireless architecture to access a virtual electronic patient record,IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 2006.

Ferreira, Ana; Barreto, Luis; Brandao, Pedro; Correia, Ricardo; Sargento, Susana; Antunes, Luis;  "A secure wireless architecture to access a virtual electronic patient record,"
Pervasive Health Conference and Workshops, 2006 , vol., no., pp.1-8, Nov. 29 2006-Dec. 1 2006. 
Innsbruck, Austria.
ISBN 1-4244-1085-1.
doi: 10.1109/PCTHEALTH.2006.361668


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Publications without referee



Barreto L., Vilaça A., Viana C., Netstart- Achieving new abilities with ICT, IMCL- Interactive Mobile and Computer Learning International Conference 2008, 16-18 April 2008, Princess Sumaya University, Amman, Jordania.

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Barreto L., Vilaça A., Viana C., Netstart- Achieving new abilities with ICT, iLearning Forum 2008, 4-5 Fevereiro 2008, Paris, France.

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Barreto L., Vilaça A., Viana C., Netstart- Achieving new abilities with ICT, IADIS International Conference WWW/ Internet 2007, 5-8 Outubro 2007, Vila Real, Portugal.

Barreto L., Vilaça A., Viana C., Netstart- Achieving new abilities with ICT, PROLIX Research Open Workshop in conjunction with EC-TEL Conference, 18 September 2007, Greece, Crete

Barreto L., Sargento S., 2005, Comparação do Desempenho entre Sistemas de Segurança com Suporte de WPA e IPSec, SINO2005, Covilhã, UBI, Portugal.


Barreto L., Sargento S., 2005, Avaliação do Desempenho de Sistemas de Segurança com Suporte de WPA, CRC2005, IPP, Portugal.

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Barreto, Luís. Segurança em Arquitecturas de Rede Para Acesso Sem Fios. Computer Science Master Thesis, Departamento de Ciências de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto

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16 a 18 de Abri de 2008

Talk "Netstart Achieving new abilities with ICT" na Conferência Internacional Interactive Mobile and Computer Learning - IMCL. Princess Sumaya University, Amman, Jordania.

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4 e 5 de Fevereiro de 2008
Talk "Netstart Achieving new abilities with ICT" na Conferência Internacional iLearning Forum 2008. Paris, França.
27 de Setembro de 2007
Talk, at the first Minho-Galaicas Journeys, the subject was how to get older. Talk theme -Internet Uma rede de inclusão para a terceira idade. Valença, Portugal.
18 de Setembro de 2007
Talk, "Netstart Achieving new abilities with ICT", PROLIX workshop , EC-TEL 2007 Conference. Crete, Greece.
19 de Setembro de 2005

Talk, CRC 2005 Conference "A Internet e a Adaptabilidade das Redes e Aplicações Comutações de Infra-Estruturas", talk theme "Avaliação do Desempenho de Sistemas de Segurança com Suporte de WPA". Portalegre, Portugal.


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