Cabeçalho | InternacionalInstituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo | Multimédia

Designação do projeto | IN COMMON SPORTS - Intergenerational Competition as Motivation for Sport and Healthy Lifestyle of Senior Citizens,

Código do projeto | 590543-EPP-1-2017-1-PT-SPO-SCP

Objetivo principal | The project aims, among other objectives, to expand the knowledge of the motivational factors for the continuous practice of physical exercise in the elderly population and the impact of the "Intergenerational Olympics“ on the physical and mental fitness of the elderly.

Entidade beneficiária principal| Municipio de Vila Nova de Cerveira

Outras entidades beneficiárias |Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC), Comune di Cesena – Italy, University of Vigo- Spain, Obshtina Aksakovo – Bulgaria, Zoldpont - Hungary

Data de início | 01-01-2018

Data de conclusão | 31-12-2020

Custo total elegível | 316 986,00 €

Custo total elegível IPVC | 31 150,00 €

Apoio financeiro da União Europeia | 316 986,00 €



  • ReEstablish a transnational cooperation network, in the field of sport, between, local, regional, and national stakeholders to promote grassroots sport in the elderly and vulnerable groups, and to develop, identify, promote and share good practices;
  • Carry out the longitudinal study “Physical fitness and cognitive performance of the aged population – planned competition as additional motivation for active life style”(1) in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary. This study intends to:
    1. assess the impact of a sport competition in the participants, and analyze the association between physical activity level, physical fitness and cognitive performance of the elderly in, at least, 5 countries;
    2. investigate the impact of additional events such as “intergenerational games” on physical fitness status and healthy life style, on aged population;
    3. understand the motivation for systematic physical activity on aged population;
    4. examine the exercise-related changes on cardio-metabolic markers for health, on aged population;
    5. create intergenerational links for social inclusion;
    6. drive and contribute to the development of more effective health promotion policies and strategies.
  • Test and implement the concept of Intergenerational Olympics as tool for integration vulnerable groups in sport Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary;
  • Creation of a guide with the survey of good local practice of physical activity programs for senior citizens – Disseminate this guide in local private and public organizations with all the information and tools necessary for their replication;
  • Design of physical activity programs adjusted to the critical parameters of physical fitness detected in the study in order to prevent loss of functional mobility that affects the quality of life, loss of autonomy and independence of the elderly people.



WP1-Project management and transnational coordination
WP2-Communication and dissemination
WP3-Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Control
WP4-STUDY “Physical fitness and cognitive performance of the aged population”
WP5-Collection of best practices and development of the guide”
WP6-Test and implement the concept of Intergenerational Olympics


Resultados esperados:

INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 1 – STUDY "Physical Fitness and Cognitive Performance of the Elderly - Competition as an Additional Motivation for Promoting an Active Lifestyle"

Fotos, vídeos e outros suportes audiovisuais:


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