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Bezerra, P., Zhou, S., Crowley, Z., (2008). Age-related changes in quadriceps to hamstrings strength ratio and its relation to postural stability. Livro de actas do Australian Association for Exercise and Sports Science conference, Melbourne, Australia

Bezerra, P., Zhou, S., Crowley, Z., (2008). Effects of electromyostimulation training and home-based exercise on hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength and steadiness in older adults. Livro de actas do International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Guangzhou. China.

Gabbard, C., Caçola, P, Rodrigues, L. (2008). A New Inventory for Assessing Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development (AHEMD-SR). Early Childhood Educ J, ( )

Rodrigues, Luis & Gabbard, Carl (2008). A invariância do género na estrutura multidimensional do AHEMD (affordances in the home environment for motor development).In D. Catela & J. Barreiros (Eds) Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança. Rio Maior: Edições ESDRRM.

Rodrigues, Luis (2008). Actividade física e desportiva em contexto educativo: o modelo português. In Actas do III Simposio Internacional de CC. de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Valencia, Espanha. Universidad Catolica de Valencia.

Zhou, S., Bezerra, P., & Crowley, Z. (2008). Thigh anthropometric changes in response to six weeks of voluntary and electromyostimulation-superimposed voluntary training in young men”. Livro de actas do International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Guangzhou. China.

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