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Semana Internacional
Semana Internacional do IPVC cancelada

Devido ao caos instalado no tráfego aéreo pela nuvem de vapor e cinza emitida pelo vulcão Eyjafjallajokull, na Islândia, a maior parte dos intervenientes na Semana Internacional do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo [IPVC] foram impossibilitados de viajar, entre os quais cerca de 36 professores provenientes de 13 países,  pelo que o IPVC viu-se obrigado a cancelar as actividades de toda a Semana que se realizaria de 19 a 23 de Abril 2010, ficando assim adiada para nova data a determinar.

Publicado em 17 de Abril de 2010

International Week IPVC canceled
Due to traffic chaos in the cloud of steam and ash emitted by the volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, most of those involved in International Week of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo [IPVC] were unable to travel, including about 36 teachers from 13 different countries, so the IPVC was forced to cancel the activities of the entire week that held on 19 and April 23, 2010, thereby postponed to new date to be determined.

Published April 17, 2010
