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Brandão, A., Marque, A., Pereira, J., Coelho, E., Quaresma, L. (2018). Development of a tool to analyze risk perception in Canyoning using a Delphi technique. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Art 152, pp. 1028 -1034

Cavalcante, S. L., Bohn, L, Ribeiro, F., & Oliveira, J. Physical Activity is Inversely Associated With Arterial Stiffness in Adult Males: A Brief Communication. Heart, Lung and Circulation. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2018.02.009

Clemente, F. M.(2018). Associations between wellness and internal and external load variables in two intermittent small-sided soccer games. Physiology & Behavior, 197(1), 9-14. [Impact Factor: 2.517; Quartile 3] [SJR: 1.088; Quartile 1] [LINK]

Clemente, F. M. (accepted). Associations between wellness and internal and external load variables in two intermittent small-sided soccer games. Physiology & Behavior, v.(n.), pp. [Impact Factor: 2.517; Quartile 3] [SJR: 1.088; Quartile 1]

Clemente, F. M.(ahead-of-print). Variations of perceived load and well-being between normal and congested weeks in elite case study handball team. Research in Sports Medicine, v.(n.), pp. [Impact Factor: 1.871; Quartile 2] [SJR: 0.839; Quartile 1] [LINK]

Clemente, F. M., Owen, A., Serra-Olivares, J., Nikolaidis, P. T., van der Linden, C. M. I., & Mendes, B. (accepted). Characterization of the weekly external load profile of professional soccer teams from Portugal and the Netherlands. Journal of Human Kinetics, v.(n.), pp. [Impact Factor: 1.014; Quartile 4] [SJR: 0.483; Quartile 2]

Clemente, F. M., Sarmento, H., Rabbani, A., van der Linden, C. M. I., Kargarfard, M., & Costa, I. T. (ahead-of-print). Variations of external load variables between medium- and large-sided soccer games in professional players. Research in Sports Medicine, v.(n.), pp. [Impact Factor: 1.871; Quartile 2] [SJR: 0.839; Quartile 1]

Clemente, F. M., Sequeiros, J. B., Correia, A., Serra-Olivares, J., González-Víllora, S., Silva, F., & Martins, F. M. L. (2018). How dots behave in different playing scenarios? Analysis of tactical behavior based on position data in two soccer field sizes. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 14(51), 16-28. [SJR: 0.225; Quartile 3] [LINK]

Fraguela, R. V., Juanas, A. O., & Lima, R. F. (2018). Ocio deportivo en jóvenes potencialmente vulnerables: beneficios percibidos y organización de la práctica. Pedagogia Social: Revista Interuniversitária, 31, 47-46.

Gonçalves, F. & Lima, R.(2018). A implementação da avaliação formativa e sumativa no ensino da educação física. Revista Profissão Docente, 18(38), 117-127

Gonçalves, F., Lima, R., Garrido, N., Mendes, F., Pereira, A., Figueiredo, A., Albuquerque, A. (2018). Processos cognitivos para a escolha da avaliação na regulação do ensino. Revista Sula Americana de Psicologia, 6(1), 68-83.

Leitão, R. (2018). Consumo de leite: desconstruir mitos à luz da ciência… e também da história. Revista Agros Nº 35 (in press)

Leitão, R. B. (2018). Diet and physical activity as a universal foundation for childhood development and lifelong health. Society Register (accepted)

Leitão, R. B. (2018). Milk, diet and health: Parents' doubts, answers from science. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence (p8-11): ISBN 978-989-54102-0-2

Lima, R.,Benites, L., Gonçalves, F. & Resende, R. (2018). A Educação Física na escola: atitudes dos alunos em função da idade e do sexo. Boletim Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação Física, 41, 83-92

Lima, R., Benites, L., Resende, R., & Cardoso, S. (2018). Reflexões dos futuros professores de educação física sobre o seu processo de formação académica. Revista Kinesis, 36(1), 2–15.

Lima, R., Clemente, F., & Vale, R. (2018). Attitudes toward physical education in Portuguese schools: Middle and high school students. Human Movement.

Lima, R. F., Palao, J. M., & Clemente, F. M. (accepted). Jump performance during official matches in elite volleyball players: a pilot study. Journal of Human Kinetics, v.(n.), pp. [Impact Factor: 1.174; Quartile 4] [SJR: 0.516; Quartile 2]

Lopes, V., Malina, R., Maia, J., Rodrigues, Luis P. (2018). Body mass index and motor coordination: Non-linear relationships in children 6-10 years. Child Care Health Dev. 1-9.

Lopes, V.P., Saraiva, L., Gonçalves, C., & Rodrigues, Luis P. (2018). Association Between Perceived and Actual Motor Competence in Portuguese Children. Journal of Motor Learning and Development,  6 (s2).      

Nikolaidis, P. T., Clemente, F. M., van der Linden, C., Rosemann, T., & Knechtle, B. (2018). Validity and reliability of 10-Hz global positioning system to assess in-line movement and change of direction. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 1-7. [Impact Factor: 4.134; Quartile 1] [SJR: 1.765; Quartile 1]

Praça, G. M., Clemente, F. M., Bredt, S. G. T., Chagas, M. H., Morales, J. C. P., Peixoto, G. H. C., & Greco, P. J. (2018). Análise das interações e do comportamento tático de atletas sub-17 de futebol com diferentes capacidades táticas. Journal of Physical Education/UEM, 29, e2938.

Rabbani, A., Baseri, M. K., Reisi, J., Clemente, F. M., & Kargarfard, M. (2018). Monitoring collegiate soccer players during a congested match schedule: heart rate variability versus subjective wellness measures. Physiology & Behavior, 194, 527-531. [Impact Factor: 2.517; Quartile 3] [SJR: 1.088; Quartile 1]

Razali, N., Mustapha, A., Clemente, F. M., Ahmad, M. F., & Salamat, M. A. (2018). Pattern analysis of goals scored in Malaysia super league 2015. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 11(2), pp.

Resende, R., Benites, L., Milan, F., & Lima, R. (2018). A percepção de professores de educação física experientes na transmissão de valores. EDUCA – Revista Multidisciplinar em Educação, 5(12), 4-22.

Resende, R., Sá, P., & Lima, R. (2017). Ensino dos Jogos Desportivos Coletivos : Professores Experientes vs Estagiários. Journal of Sport Pedagogy & Research, 3(2), 11–19.

Rocha-Rodrigues, S., Goncalves, I. O., Beleza, J., Ascensao, A., & Magalhaes, J. (2018). Physical exercise mitigates high-fat diet-induced adiposopathy and related endocrine alterations in an animal model of obesity. J Physiol Biochem. doi:10.1007/s13105-018-0609-1

Rodrigues AR, Salazar M, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Gonçalves IO, Cruz C; Neves D; Almeida H, Magalhães J, Gouveia A. Peripherally administered melanocortins induce mice fat “browning” and prevent obesity. International Journal of  Obes  (ahead epub print).

Sarmento, H., Clemente, F. M., Harper, L., Costa, I. T., Owen, A., & Figueiredo, A. (accepted). Small-sided games in soccer – A systematic review. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, v.(n.), pp. [Impact Factor: 1.144; Quartile 3] [SJR: 0.556; Quartile 2]

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